
推荐阅读: 宝鉴   扶明录   叶辰萧初然   重生之再铸青春   女神的上门豪婿(又名:女神的超级赘婿,主角:赵旭)   女神的上门豪婿   女神的上门贵婿   逆天丹帝   神魂丹帝   神魂丹帝   重生之搏浪大时代   仙府种田   这个领主大人非常科学   六指诡医   重生之我真是富三代   刚被悔婚超级天后带娃堵门   踏枝   叶君临  

    If gratitude aeem are good foundations of affe, Elizabeth's ge of se will be her improbable nor faulty. But if otherwise—if regard springing from such sources is unreasonable or unnatural,inparison of what is so often described as arising on a first interview with its objed even before two words have been exged, nothing  be said in her defence, except that she had given somewhat of a trial to thetter method in her partiality for Wickham, and that its ill sess might, perhaps, authorise her to seek the other less iing mode of attat.Be that as it may,she saw him go with regret;and in this early example of what Lydia's infamy must produce,found additional anguish as she reflected on that wretched business. Never, since reading Jane's sed letter, had she eained a hope of Wickham's meaning to marry her. No o Jane, she thought, could tter herself with su expectation. Surprise was the least of her feelings on this development.While the tents of the first letter remained on her mind, she was all surprise—all astonishment that Wickham should marry a girl whom it was impossible he could marry for money;and how Lydia could ever have attached him had appeared iprehensible. But now it was all too natural. For su attat as this,she might have suffit charms;and though she did not suppose Lydia to be deliberately engaging in an elopement without the iion of marriage,she had no difficulty in believing that her her virtue nor her uanding would preserve her from falling an easy prey.

    She had never perceived,while the regiment was ifordshire, that Lydia had any partiality for him; but she was vihat Lydia wanted only encement to attach herself to anybody. Sometimes one officer, sometimes another, had been her favourite,as their attentions raised them in her opinion.Her affes had tinually been fluctuating but never without an object.The mischief of  and mistaken indulgeowards such a girl—oh!how acutely did she now feel it!

    She was wild to be at home—to hear, to see, to be upon the spot to share with Jane in the cares that must now fall wholly upon her, in a family sed, a father absent, a mother incapable of exertion, and requiring stant attendance; and though almost persuaded that nothing could be done for Lydia, her uncle's interference seemed of the utmost importance, and till he ehe room her impatience was severe.Mr.and Mrs. Gardiner had hurried ba rm, supposing by the servant's ount that their niece was taken suddenly ill; but satisfying them instantly on that head,she eagerlymunicated the cause of their summons,reading the two letters aloud,and dwelling on the post of thest with trembling energy,though Lydia had never been a favourite with them,Mr.and Mrs.Gardiner could not but be deeply a?icted.Not Lydia only,but all were ed in it;and after the first exmations of surprise and horrardiner promised every assistan his power. Elizabeth, though expeg no less, thanked him with tears of gratitude;and all three being actuated by one spirit,everything rting to their journey eedily settled.They were to be off as soon as possible.“But what is to be done about Pemberley?”cried Mrs. Gardiner.“John told us Mr.Darcy was here when you sent for us;was it so?”

    “Yes;and I told him we should not be able to keep agement. That is all settled.”

    “What is all settled?”repeated the other, as she ran into her room to prepare.“And are they upon such terms as for her to disclose the real truth?Oh,that I knew how it was!”

    But wishes were vain,or at best could only serve to amuse her in the hurry and fusion of the following hour.Had Elizabeth been at leisure to be idle,she would have remained certain that all employment was impossible to one so wretched as herself;but she had her share of business as well as her aunt,and amongst the rest there were o be written to all their friends at Lambton, with false excuses for their suddeure.An hour,however, saw the wholepleted; and Mr. Gardiner meanwhile haviled his ount at the inn,nothing remaio be do to go;and Elizabeth,after all the misery of the m,found herself,in a shorter space of time than she could have supposed, seated in the carriage,and on the road to Longbourn.快眼看书小说阅读_www.bookcu.com

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