
推荐阅读: 宝鉴   扶明录   叶辰萧初然   重生之再铸青春   女神的上门豪婿(又名:女神的超级赘婿,主角:赵旭)   女神的上门豪婿   女神的上门贵婿   逆天丹帝   神魂丹帝   神魂丹帝   重生之搏浪大时代   仙府种田   这个领主大人非常科学   六指诡医   重生之我真是富三代   刚被悔婚超级天后带娃堵门   踏枝   叶君临  

    “When I sider,”she added in a yet mitated voice,“that I might have preve!I,who knew what he was.Had I but exined some part of it only—some part of what I learnt,to my own family!Had his character been known,this could not have happened.But it is all—all toote now.”

    “I am grieved indeed,”cried Darcy;“grieved—shocked.But is it certain—absolutely certain?”

    “Oh, yes!They left Brighton together on Sunday night, araced almost to London,but not beyond;they are certainly not goo Sd.”

    “And what has been done,what has been attempted,to recover her?”

    “My father has goo London,and Jane has written to beg my uncle's immediate assistand we shall be off,I hope,in half-an-hour.But nothing  be done—I know very well that nothing  be done.How is such a man to be worked on?How are they even to be discovered?I have not the smallest hope.It is every way horrible!”

    Darcy shook his head in silent acquiesce.

    “When my eyes were opeo his real character—Oh!had I known what I ought,what I dared to do!But I knew not—I was afraid of doing too much.Wretched,wretched mistake!”

    Darcy made no answer.He seemed scarcely to hear her,and was walking up and down the room in ear meditation,his brow tracted,his air gloomy.Elizabeth soon observed,and instantly uood it.Her power was sinking;everything must sink under such a proof of family weakness,su assurance of the deepest disgrace.She could her wonder nor n,but the belief of his self-quest brought nothing story to her bosom, afforded no palliation of her distress. It was, on the trary, exactly calcted to make her uand her own wishes; and never had she so holy felt that she could have loved him,as now,when all love must be vain.

    But self, though it would intrude, could not engross her. Lydia—the humiliation,the misery she was bringing on them all, soon swallowed up every private care;and c her face with her handkerchief,Elizabeth was soon lost to everything else;and, after a pause of several minutes,was only recalled to a sense of her situation by the voice of herpanion,who,in a manner which, though it spokepassion,spoke likewise restraint,said,

    “I am afraid you have been long desiring my absenor have I anything to plead in excuse of my stay,but real,though unavailing .Would to Heaven that anything could be either said or done on my part that might offer stion to such distress! But I will not torment you with vain wishes, which may seem purposely to ask for your thanks.This unfortunate affair will, I fear, prevent my sister's having the pleasure of seeing you at Pemberley to-day.”

    “Oh,yes.Be so kind as to apologise for us to Miss Darcy.Say that urgent business calls us home immediately. ceal the unhappy truth as long as it is possible,I know it ot be long.”

    He readily assured her of his secrecy;again expressed his sorrow for her distress, wished it a happier clusion than there resent reason to hope, and leaving hispliments for her rtions,with only one serious,parting look,went away.

    As he quitted the room,Elizabeth felt how improbable it was that they should ever see each ain on such terms of cordiality as had marked their several meetings in Derbyshire;and as she threw a retrospective nce over the whole of their acquaintance, so full of tradis and varieties, sighed at the perverseness of those feelings which would noromoted its tinuand would formerly have rejoiced in its termination.快眼看书小说阅读_www.bookcu.com

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