
推荐阅读: 宝鉴   扶明录   叶辰萧初然   重生之再铸青春   女神的上门豪婿(又名:女神的超级赘婿,主角:赵旭)   女神的上门豪婿   女神的上门贵婿   逆天丹帝   神魂丹帝   神魂丹帝   重生之搏浪大时代   仙府种田   这个领主大人非常科学   六指诡医   重生之我真是富三代   刚被悔婚超级天后带娃堵门   踏枝   叶君临  

    “I have been thinking it ain,Elizabeth,”said her uncle,as they drove from the town;“and really,upon serious sideration, I am much more ined than I was to judge as your eldest sister does oter. It appears to me so very uhat any young man should form such a design against a girl who is by no means unprotected or friendless,and who was actually staying in his el's family,that I am strongly ined to hope the best. Could he expect that her friends would not step forward?Could he expect to be noticed again by the regiment,after su affront to el Forster?His temptation is not adequate to the risk!”

    “Do you really think so?”cried Elizabeth,brightening up for a moment.

    “Upon my word,”said Mrs. Gardiner,“I begin to be of your uncle's opinion. It is really too great a vition of decy, honour,and i,for him to be guilty of it.I ot think so very ill of Wickham. you yourself,Lizzy,so wholly give him up,as to believe him capable of it?”

    “Not,perhaps,of ing his own i;but of every lect I  believe him capable.If,i should be so!But I dare not hope it.Why should they not go on to Sd if that had been the case?”

    “In the first ce,”replied Mr.Gardihere is no absolute proof that they are not goo Sd.”

    “Oh!but their removing from the chaise into a haey coach is such a presumption!And,besides,no traces of them were to be found on the Ba road.”

    “Well, then—supposing them to be in London. They may be there, though for the purpose of cealment, for no more exceptional purpose. It is not likely that money should be very abundant oher side;and it might strike them that they could be more eically, though less expeditiously, married in London than in Sd.”

    “But why all this secrecy?Why any fear of dete?Why must their marriage be private?Oh,no,no—this is not likely.His most particr friend,you see by Jane's ount,ersuaded of his never intending to marry her.Wickham will never marry a woman without some money.He ot afford it.And what ims has Lydia—what attra has she beyond youth,health,and good humour that could make him,for her sake,fo every ce of being himself by marrying well? As to what restraint the apprehensions of disgra the corps might throw on a dishonourable elopement with her,I am not able to judge;for I know nothing of the effects that such a step might produce.But as to your other obje,I am afraid it will hardly hold good. Lydia has no brothers to step forward; and he might imagine, from my father's behaviour, from his indolend the little attention he has ever seemed to give to what was going forward in his family,that he would do as little,and think as little about it,as any father could do,in such a matter.”

    “But  you think that Lydia is so lost to everything but love of him as to sent to live with him on any terms other than marriage?”

    “It does seem,and it is most shog indeed,”replied Elizabeth, with tears in her eyes,“that a sister's sense of ded virtue in such a point should admit of doubt. But, really, I know not what to say.Perhaps I am not doing her justice.But she is very young;she has never been taught to think on serious subjects;and for thest half-year,nay,for a twelvemonth—she has been given up to nothing but amusement and vanity. She has been allowed to dispose of her time in the most idle and frivolous manner,and to adopt any opinions that came in her way. Sihe—shire were first quartered ion,nothing but love,flirtation,and officers have been in her head. She has been doing everything in her power by thinking and talking on the subject, to give greater—what shall I call it?susceptibility to her feelings;which are naturally lively enough.And we all know that Wickham has every charm of person and address that  captivate a woman.”

    “But you see that Jane,”said her aunt,“does not think so very ill of Wickham as to believe him capable of the attempt.”

    “Of whom does Jane ever think ill?And who is there,whatever might be their former duct, that she would think capable of su attempt, till it were proved against them? But Jane knows, as well as I do, what Wickham really is.We both know that he has been profligate in every sense of the word;that he has her iy nor honour;that he is as false aful as he is insinuating.”

    “And do you really know all this?”cried Mrs.Gardiner,whose curiosity as to the mode of her intelligence was all alive.

    “I do indeed,”replied Elizabeth, c.“I told you, the other day, of his infamous behaviour to Mr. Darcy; and you yourself,whenst at Longbourn,heard in what manner he spoke of the man who had behaved with such forbearand liberality towards him.And there are other circumstances which I am not at liberty—which it is not worth while to rte;but his lies about the whole Pemberley family are endless. From what he said of Miss Darcy I was thhly prepared to see a proud,reserved, disagreeable girl.Yet he ko the trary himself.He must know that she was as amiable and uending as we have found her.”

    “But does Lydia know nothing of this? she be ignorant of what you and Jane seem so well to uand?”快眼看书小说阅读_www.bookcu.com

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