【1】王俊凯 【1】

推荐阅读: 宝鉴   扶明录   叶辰萧初然   重生之再铸青春   女神的上门豪婿(又名:女神的超级赘婿,主角:赵旭)   女神的上门豪婿   女神的上门贵婿   逆天丹帝   神魂丹帝   神魂丹帝   重生之搏浪大时代   仙府种田   这个领主大人非常科学   六指诡医   重生之我真是富三代   刚被悔婚超级天后带娃堵门   踏枝   叶君临  

    “visibe,h through the fog

    have to fd y ay ,yeah

    a  of ight a sark of hoe

    if you i, you fd

    youre reachg for a thgs to foo your dreas

    and nothg i stand  your ay

    youre not far, youre cose, srand u for yoef

    itsritten  the sky

    jt sresd your gs reach for your dreas

    there no ounta thats hard to ove

    take a chance and try, you oud never kno

    youre a hero ,you can fy


    youre hero ,you can fy


    you can fy

    unthkabe ,best is toe

    the ights is shg

    ight no

    no ookg back, kee ressg u

    cae your gs are ade to fy

    youre reachg for a thgs to foo your dreas

    and nothg i stand  your ay

    youre not far, youre cose, srand u for yoef

    itsritten  the sky

    jt sresd your gs reach for your dreas

    there no ounta thats hard to ove

    take a chance and try, you oud never kno

    youre a hero ,you can fy


    youre hero ,you can fy


    you can fy

    dont n on

    eskg don

    dont n on fag don

    ont ose,  ont ose

    oh no no no no no yeah,ets jess

    you shoud ve never doubted yoef

    atter of fact, you shoud be roud of yoursef

    cae you had to fd a ay , about it yoursef

    nobady gave you direction , had to route it yoursef

    and you never t ost, osgs nor an otion

    no ti for s ,no ti to fai

    ng ike steh curry and then e arriors

    haters anna see  victoria

    but  70

    ont ose y o, tta ove cevery

    chess not checkers, yg it ith strategy

    and jessica, thats a  autoaticay

    jt sresd your gs reach for your dreas

    there no ounta thats hard to ove

    take a chance and try, you oud never kno

    youre a hero ,you can fy


    youre hero ,you can fy


    you can fy”顾羽薇不知道为什么在这个世界刚穿来就开始唱起了卡皇的fy











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推荐阅读: 特种精英玩网游   重振大明   齐天大魔猴   仕途青云   神弃   神峰   网游之统领天下   网游之主宰万物   万能神戒   网游之影子大师   穿越之嫡女锋芒   约会大作战之反转士道   武侠英雄联盟系统   游戏王之竞技之城   撼仙   娇蛮小姐傲总裁   御龙无双   天玄剑传奇   婚城难入  

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