
推荐阅读: 宝鉴   扶明录   叶辰萧初然   重生之再铸青春   女神的上门豪婿(又名:女神的超级赘婿,主角:赵旭)   女神的上门豪婿   女神的上门贵婿   逆天丹帝   神魂丹帝   神魂丹帝   重生之搏浪大时代   仙府种田   这个领主大人非常科学   六指诡医   重生之我真是富三代   刚被悔婚超级天后带娃堵门   踏枝   叶君临  

    “My dear Lizzy, where  you have been walking to?”was a question which Elizabeth received from Jane as soon as she eheir room,and from all the others when they sat down to table. She had only to say in reply, that they had wandered about, till she was beyond her own knowledge. She coloured as she spoke; but her that, nor anything else, awakened a suspi of the truth.

    The evening passed quietly,unmarked by anythiraordinary. The aowledged lovers talked andughed,the unaowledged were silent. Darcy was not of a disposition in which happiness overflows in mirth;and Elizabeth,agitated and fused,rather khat she was happy tha herself to be so;for,besides the immediate embarrassment,there were other evils before her.She anticipated what would be felt in the family when her situation became known;she was aware that no one liked him but Jane;and even feared that with the others it was a dislike whiot all his fortune and sequence might do away.

    At night she opened her heart to Jahough suspi was very far from Miss Be's general habits, she was absolutely incredulous here.

    “You are joking,Lizzy.This ot be!—eo Mr.Daro,no,you shall not deceive me.I know it to be impossible.”

    “This is a wretched beginning indeed!My sole dependence was on you;and I am sure nobody else will believe me,if you do not. Yet,indeed,I am in ear.I speak nothing but the truth.He still loves me,and we are engaged.”

    Jane looked at her doubtingly.“Oh,Lizzy!it ot be.I know how much you dislike him.”

    “You know nothing of the matter. That is all to be ot. Perhaps I did not always love him so well as I do now.But in such cases as these,a good memory is unpardohis is thest time I shall ever remember it myself.”

    Miss Be still looked all amazement. Elizabeth again, and more seriously assured her of its truth.

    “Good Heaven! it be really so!Yet now I must believe you,”cried Jane.“My dear,dear Lizzy,I would—I do gratte you—but are you certaihe question—are you quite certain that you  be happy with him?”

    “There  be no doubt of that.It is settled between us already, that we are to be the happiest couple in the world.But are you pleased,Jane?Shall you like to have such a brother?”

    “Very,very muothing could give either Bingley or myself more delight.But we sidered it,we talked of it as impossible. And do you really love him quite well enough? Oh, Lizzy! do anything rather than marry without affe.Are you quite sure that you feel what you ought to do?”

    “Oh, yes!You will only think I feel more than I ought to do, when I tell you all.”

    “What do you mean?”

    “Why,I must fess that I love him better than I do Bingley.I am afraid you will be angry.”

    “My dearest sister,now be serious.I want to talk very seriously. Let me know every thing that I am to know,without dy.Will you tell me how long you have loved him?”

    “It has beening on so gradually,that I hardly know when it began. But I believe I must date it from my first seeing his beautiful grounds at Pemberley.”

    Another ey that she would be serious,however,produced the desired effect; and she soon satisfied Jane by her solemn assurances of attat.When vinced on that article,Miss Be had nothing further to wish.

    “Now I am quite happy,”said she,“for you will be as happy as myself.I always had a value for him.Were it for nothing but his love of you, I must always have esteemed him; but now, as Bingley's friend and your husband,there  be only Bingley and yourself more dear to me.But Lizzy,you have been very sly,very reserved with me. How little did you tell me of assed at Pemberley and Lambton!I owe all that I know of it to another, not to you.”

    Elizabeth told her the motives of her secrecy. She had been unwilling to mention Bingley;and the uled state of her own feelings had made her equally avoid the name of his friend.But now she would no longer ceal from her his share in Lydia's marriage. All was aowledged, and half the night spent in versation.

    “Good gracious!”cried Mrs.Be,as she stood at a window the  m,“if that disagreeable Mr.Darcy is noting here again with our dear Bingley!What  he mean by being so tiresome as to be alwaysing here?I had no notion but he would go a-shooting, or something or other, and not disturb us with hispany.What shall we do with him? Lizzy, you must walk out with him again,that he may not be in Bingley's way.”

    Elizabeth could hardly helpughing at so ve a proposal;yet was really vexed that her mother should be always giving him su epithet.

    As soon as they entered,Bingley looked at her so expressively, and shook hands with such warmth,as left no doubt of his good information; and he soon afterwards said aloud,“Mrs. Be, have you no morenes hereabouts in which Lizzy may lose her way again to-day?”

    “I advise Mr.Dard Lizzy,and Kitty,”said Mrs.Be,“to walk to Oakham Mount this m.It is a nice long walk,and Mr.Darcy has never seen the view.”

    “It may do very well for the others,”replied Mr.Bingley;“but I am sure it will be too much for Kitty.Won't it,Kitty?”

    Kitty owhat she had rather stay at home.Darcy professed a great curiosity to see the view from the Mount,and Elizabeth silently sented.As she went upstairs to get ready,Mrs.Be followed her,saying:

    “I am quite sorry,Lizzy,that you should be forced to have that disagreeable man all to yourself, but I hope you will not mind it.It is all for Jane's sake,you know;and there is no asion for talking to him,except just now and then.So,do not put yourself to invenience.”快眼看书小说阅读_www.bookcu.com

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