
推荐阅读: 宝鉴   扶明录   叶辰萧初然   重生之再铸青春   女神的上门豪婿(又名:女神的超级赘婿,主角:赵旭)   女神的上门豪婿   女神的上门贵婿   逆天丹帝   神魂丹帝   神魂丹帝   重生之搏浪大时代   仙府种田   这个领主大人非常科学   六指诡医   重生之我真是富三代   刚被悔婚超级天后带娃堵门   踏枝   叶君临  

    “Something very much to the purpose of course. He begins with grattions on the approag nuptials of my eldest daughter, of which, it seems, he has been told by some of the good-natured, gossiping Lucases. I shall not sport with your impatience,by reading what he says on that point.What rtes to yourself, is as follows: 'Having thus offered you the sincere grattions of Mrs.Collins and myself on this happy event, let me now add a short hint on the subject of another;of which we have been advertised by the same authority.Your daughter Elizabeth,it is presumed,will not lohe name of Be, after her elder sister has resig,and the chosen partner of her fate may be reasonably looked up to as one of the most illustrious personages in thisnd.'

    “ you possibly guess, Lizzy, who is meant by this?”'This youleman is blessed, in a peculiar way, with every thing the heart of mortal  most desire, —splendid property,noble kindred, aeronage. Yet in spite of all these temptations, let me warn my cousin Elizabeth, and yourself, of what evils you may incur by a precipitate closure with this gentleman's proposals, which, of course, you will be ined to take immediate advantage of.'

    “Have you any idea, Lizzy, who this gentleman is? But now ites out:

    “'My motive for cautioning you is as follows.We have reason to imagihat his aunt,Lady Catherine de Bh,does not look och with a friendly eye.'

    “Mr. Darcy, you see, is the man! Now, Lizzy, I think I have surprised you.Could he,or the Lucases,have pitched on any man within the circle of our acquaintance, whose name would have given the lie more effectually to what they rted? Mr. Darcy, who never looks at any woman but to see a blemish, and who probably never looked at you in his life!It is admirable!”

    Elizabeth tried to join in her father's pleasantry,but could only forost relut smile.Never had his wit been directed in a manner so little agreeable to her.

    “Are you not diverted?”

    “Oh!yes.Pray read on.”

    “'After mentioning the likelihood of this marriage to herdyshipst night,she immediately,with her usual dession,expressed what she felt on the asio became apparent,that on the score of some family objes on the part of my cousin,she would never give her sent to what she termed so disgraceful a match.I thought it my duty to give the speediest intelligence of this to my cousin,that she and her noble admirer may be aware of what they are about,and not run hastily into a marriage which has not been properly saned.'Mr.Collins moreover adds,'I am truly rejoiced that my cousin Lydia's sad business has been so well hushed up,and am only ed that their living together before the marriage took ce should be so generally known.I must not, however,he duties of my station,or refrain from dering my amazement at hearing that you received the young couple into your house as soon as they were married.It was an encement of vice; and had I been the rector of Longbourn, I should very strenuously have opposed it.You ought certainly to ive them, as a Christian, but o admit them in yht, or allow their o be mentioned in your hearing.'That is his notion of Christian ivehe rest of his letter is only about his dear Charlotte's situation,and his expectation of a young olive-branch. But,Lizzy,you look as if you did not enjoy it.You are not going to be missish,I hope,and pretend to be affro an idle report. For what do we live,but to make sport for our neighbours,andugh at them in our turn?”

    “Oh!”cried Elizabeth,“I am excessively diverted. But it is se!”

    “Yes—that is what makes it amusing. Had they fixed on any other man it would have been nothing;but his perfedifference, and your pointed dislike, make it so delightfully absurd! Much as I abominate writing, I would not give up Mr. Collins's correspondence for any sideration.Nay,when I read a letter of his,I ot help giving him the preference even over Wickham, much as I value the impudend hypocrisy of my son-inray,Lizzy,what said Lady Catherine about this report?Did she call to refuse her sent?”To this question his daughter replied only with augh; and as it had been asked without the least suspi, she was not distressed by his repeating it. Elizabeth had never been more at a loss to make her feelings appear what they were not.It was necessary tough,when she would rather have cried.Her father had most cruelly mortified her, by what he said of Mr. Darcy's indifferend she could do nothing but wo such a want of pration,or fear that perhaps,instead of his seeing too little, she might have faoo much.快眼看书小说阅读_www.bookcu.com

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