
推荐阅读: 宝鉴   扶明录   叶辰萧初然   重生之再铸青春   女神的上门豪婿(又名:女神的超级赘婿,主角:赵旭)   女神的上门豪婿   女神的上门贵婿   逆天丹帝   神魂丹帝   神魂丹帝   重生之搏浪大时代   仙府种田   这个领主大人非常科学   六指诡医   重生之我真是富三代   刚被悔婚超级天后带娃堵门   踏枝   叶君临  

    One m,about a week after Bingley's e with Jane had been formed,as he and the females of the family were sitting together in the dining-room,their attention was suddenly drawn to the window,by the sound of a carriage;and they perceived a chaise and four driving up thewn.It was too early in the m for visitors,and besides,the equipage did not ao that of any of their neighbours.The horses were post;aher the carriage, nor the livery of the servant who preceded it,were familiar to them. As it was certain,however,that somebody wasing,Bingley instantly prevailed on Miss Be to avoid the fi of su intrusion,and walk away with him into the shrubbery.They both set off,and the jectures of the remaining three tihough with little satisfa,till the door was thrown open and their visitor e was Lady Catherine de Bh.

    They were of course all intending to be surprised;but their astonishment was beyond their expectation;and on the part of Mrs. Be and Kitty, though she erfectly unknown to them, even inferior to what Elizabeth felt.

    She ehe room with an air more than usually ungraade no other reply to Elizabeth's salutation than a slight ination of the head, and sat down without saying a word.Elizabeth had mentioned her o her mother on herdyship's entrahough no request of introdu had been made.

    Mrs.Be,all amazement,though ttered by having a guest of such high importance,received her with the utmost politeness. After sitting for a moment in silence, she said very stiffly to Elizabeth,

    “I hope you are well,Miss Be.Thatdy,I suppose,is your mother.”

    Elizabeth replied very cisely that she was.

    “And that I suppose is one of your sisters.”

    “Yes, madam,”said Mrs. Be, delighted to speak to Lady Catherine.“She is my you girl but one.My you of all istely married,and my eldest is somewhere about the grounds, walking with a young man who,I believe,will soon be a part of the family.”

    “You have a very small park here,”returned Lady Catherier a short silence.

    “It is nothing inparison of Rosings,mydy,I dare say;but I assure you it is muchrger than Sir William Lucas's.”

    “This must be a most inve sitting room for the evening, in summer;the windows are full west.”

    Mrs.Be assured her that they never sat there after dinner, and then added:

    “May I take the liberty of asking yourdyship whether you left Mr.and Mrs.Collins well.”

    “Yes,very well.I saw them the night beforest.”

    Elizabeth now expected that she would produce a letter for her from Charlotte, as it seemed the only probable motive for her calling.But er appeared,and she letely puzzled. Mrs. Be, with great civility, begged herdyship to take some refreshment; but Lady Catherine very resolutely, and not very politely,deed eating anything;and then,rising up,said to Elizabeth,

    “Miss Be, there seemed to be a prettyish kind of a little wilderness on one side of yourwn. I should be d to take a turn in it,if you will favour me with yourpany.”

    “Go, my dear,”cried her mother,“and show herdyship about the different walks. I think she will be pleased with the hermitage.”

    Elizabeth obeyed, and running into her own room for her parasol, attended her noble guest downstairs.As they passed through the hall, Lady Catherine opehe doors into the dining-parlour and drawing-room,and pronoung them,after a short survey,to be det looking rooms,walked on.

    Her carriage remai the door, and Elizabeth saw that her waiting-woman was in it.They proceeded in silence along the gravel walk that led to the copse; Elizabeth was determio make no effort for versation with a woman who was now more than usually i and disagreeable.

    “How could I ever think her like her nephew?”said she,as she looked in her face.

    As soon as they ehe copse, Lady Catherine began in the following manner:—

    “You  be at no loss,Miss Be, to uand the reason of my journey hither.Your ow,your own sce, must tell you why Ie.”

    Elizabeth looked with ued astonishment.

    “Indeed,you are mistaken,Madam.I have not been at all able to ount for the honour of seeing you here.”

    “Miss Be,”replied herdyship, in an angry tone,“you ought to know, that I am not to be trifled with. But however insincere you may choose to be, you shall not find me so. My character has ever been celebrated for its siy and frankness, and in a cause of suent as this,I shall certainly not depart from it.A report of a m nature reached me two days ago.I was told that not only your sister was on the point of being most advantageously married,but that you,that Miss Elizabeth Be,would,in all likelihood,be soon afterwards uo my nephew,my own nephew,Mr.Darcy.Though I know it must be a sdalous falsehood,though I would not injure him so much as to suppose the truth of it possible,I instantly resolved oing off for this ce,that I might make my ses known to you.”

    “If you believed it impossible to be true,”said Elizabeth, c with astonishment and disdain,“I wonder you took the trouble ofing so far.What could yourdyship propose by it?”

    “At oo insist upon having such a report universally tradicted.”

    “Y to Longbourn, to see me and my family,”said Elizabeth coolly,“will be rather a firmation of it; if, indeed, such a report is ience.”

    “If!Do you theend to be ignorant of it?Has it not been industriously circted by yourselves?Do you not know that such a report is spread abroad?”

    “I never heard that it was.”

    “And  you likewise dere,that there is no foundation for it?”

    “I do not pretend to possess equal frankness with yourdyship. You may ask questions which I shall not choose to answer.”快眼看书小说阅读_www.bookcu.com

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