
推荐阅读: 宝鉴   扶明录   叶辰萧初然   重生之再铸青春   女神的上门豪婿(又名:女神的超级赘婿,主角:赵旭)   女神的上门豪婿   女神的上门贵婿   逆天丹帝   神魂丹帝   神魂丹帝   重生之搏浪大时代   仙府种田   这个领主大人非常科学   六指诡医   重生之我真是富三代   刚被悔婚超级天后带娃堵门   踏枝   叶君临  

    A few days after this visit,Mr.Bingley called again,and alone. His friend had left him that m for London, but was to return home in ten days time.He sat with them above an hour, and was in remarkably good spirits. Mrs. Be invited him to dih them; but, with many expressions of , he fessed himself engaged elsewhere.

    “ime you call,”said she,“I hope we shall be more lucky.”He should be particrly happy at any time,etc.etd if she would give him leave,would take an early opportunity of waiting on them.

    “ youe to-morrow?”

    Yes, he had no e at all for to-morrow; and her invitation ted with crity.

    He came,and in such very good time that thedies were none of them dressed.In ran Mrs.Be to her daughter's room,in her dressing gown,and with her hair half finished,g out:

    “My dear Jane,make haste and hurry down.He ise—Mr. Bingley ise. He is, indeed. Make haste, make haste. Here, Sarahe to Miss Be this moment,and help her on with her gown.Never mind Miss Lizzy's hair.”

    “We will be down as soon as we ,”said Jane;“but I dare say Kitty is forwarder thaher of us,for she went upstairs half an ho.”

    “Oh!hang Kitty!what has she to do with it?e be quick,be quick!Where is your sash,my dear?”

    But when her mother was gone,Jane would not be prevailed on to go down without one of her sisters.

    The same ao get them by themselves was visible again in the evening.After tea, Mr. Be retired to the library, as was his ,and Mary went up stairs to her instrument.Two obstacles of the five being thus removed,Mrs.Be sat looking and winking at Elizabeth and Catherine for a siderable time, without making any impression on them. Elizabeth would not observe her;and when atst Kitty did,she very ily said,“What is the matter mamma?What do you keep winking at me for?What am I to do?”

    “Nothing child,nothing.I did not wink at you.”She then sat still five minutes longer; but uo waste such a precious asion,she suddenly got up,and saying to Kitty,“e here, my love,I want to speak to you,”took her out of the room.Jane instantly gave a look at Elizabeth which spoke her distress at such premeditation,and her ey that she would not give in to it. In a few minutes,Mrs.Be half-opehe door and called out:

    “Lizzy,my dear,I want to speak with you.”

    Elizabeth was forced to go.

    “We may as well leave them by themselves you know;”said her mother, as soon as she was in the hall.“Kitty and I are going upstairs to sit in my dressing-room.”

    Elizabeth made no attempt to reason with her mother, but remained quietly in the hall,till she and Kitty were out of sight, theurned into the drawing-room.

    Mrs. Be's schemes for this day were iual. Bingley was every thing that was charming, except the professed lover of her daughter.His ease and cheerfulness rendered him a most agreeable addition to their evening party;and he bore with the ill-judged officiousness of the mother,and heard all her silly remarks with a forbearandmand of tenance particrly grateful to the daughter.

    He scarcely needed an invitation to stay supper;and before he went away,an e was formed,chiefly through his own and Mrs.Be's means,for hisi m to shoot with her husband.

    After this day,Jane said no more of her indiffere a word passed between the sisters ing Bingley;but Elizabeth went to bed in the happy belief that all must speedily be cluded, unless Mr. Darcy returned withiated time. Seriously, however,she felt tolerably persuaded that all this must have takeh that gentleman's currence.

    Bingley unctual to his appoi; and he and Mr. Be spent the m together,as had been agreed oer was much mreeable than hispanion expected. There was nothing of presumption or folly in Bihat could provoke his ridicule,or disgust him into silend he was moremunicative,and less entric,thaher had ever seen him. Bingley of course returned with him to dinner; and in the evening Mrs.Be's iion was again at work to get every body away from him and her daughter.Elizabeth,who had a letter to write,went into the breakfast room for that purpose soon after tea;for as the others were all going to sit down to cards,she could not be wao teract her mother's schemes.

    But ourning to the drawing-room, when her letter was finished,she saw,to her infinite surprise,there was reason to fear that her mother had been too ingenious for her.On opening the door,she perceived her sister and Bianding together over the hearth,as if engaged in ear versation;and had this led to no suspi, the faces of both, as they hastily turned round and moved away from each other, would have told it all. Their situation was awkward enough; but hers she thought was still worse.Not a syble was uttered by either;and Elizabeth was on the point of going away again,when Bingley,who as well as the other had sat down,suddenly rose,and whispering a few words to her sister,ran out of the room.

    Jane could have no reserves from Elizabeth,where fidence would give pleasure;and instantly embrag her,aowledged, with the liveliest emotion,that she was the happiest creature in the world.

    “Tis too much!”she added,“by far too much.I do not deserve it.Oh!why is not everybody as happy?”

    Elizabeth's grattions were given with a siy, a warmth,a delight,which words could but poorly express.Every sentence of kindness was a fresh source of happio Ja she would not allow herself to stay with her sister,or say half that remaio be said for the present.快眼看书小说阅读_www.bookcu.com

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