
推荐阅读: 宝鉴   扶明录   叶辰萧初然   重生之再铸青春   女神的上门豪婿(又名:女神的超级赘婿,主角:赵旭)   女神的上门豪婿   女神的上门贵婿   逆天丹帝   神魂丹帝   神魂丹帝   重生之搏浪大时代   仙府种田   这个领主大人非常科学   六指诡医   重生之我真是富三代   刚被悔婚超级天后带娃堵门   踏枝   叶君临  

    Darcy, after inquiring of her how Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner did, a question which she could not answer without fusion, said scarcely anything. He was not seated by her; perhaps that was the reason of his silence; but it had not been so in Derbyshire. There he had talked to her friends,when he could not to herself. But now several minutes psed without bringing the sound of his void when asionally,uo resist the impulse of curiosity,she raised her eyes to his face,she as often found him looking at Jane as at herself,and frequently on no object but the ground. More thoughtfulness and less ao please, thaheyst met,were inly expressed.She was disappointed, and angry with herself for being so.

    “Could I expect it to be otherwise!”said she.“Yet why did hee?”

    She was in no humour for versation with a himself;and to him she had hardly ce to speak.

    She inquired after his sister,but could do no more.

    “It is a long time,Mr.Bingley,since you went away,”said Mrs. Be.

    He readily agreed to it.

    “I began to be afraid you would nevere back again.People did say you meant to quit the tirely at Michaelmas;but, however, I hope it is not true.A great many ges have happened in the neighbourhood,since you went away.Miss Lucas is married aled.And one of my own daughters.I suppose you have heard of it;indeed,you must have seen it in the papers. It was iimes and The Courier,I know;though it was not put in as it ought to be.It was only said,'Lately,Ge Wickham, Esq.to Miss Lydia Be,'without there being a syble said of her father, or the ce where she lived, or anything. It was my brardiner's drawing up too,and I wonder how he came to make su awkward business of it.Did you see it?”

    Bingley replied that he did, and made his grattions. Elizabeth dared not lift up her eyes. How Mr. Darcy looked, therefore,she could not tell.

    “It is a delightful thing, to be sure, to have a daughter well married,”tinued her mother,“but at the same time, Mr.Bingley, it is very hard to have her taken such a way from me. They are gone down to Newcastle, a ce quite northward, it seems,and there they are to stay,I do not know how long.His regiment is there; for I suppose you have heard of his leaving the—shire, and of his being goo the regrs. Thank Heaven!he has some friends,though perhaps not so many as he deserves.”

    Elizabeth, who khis to be levelled at Mr. Darcy, was in such misery of shame,that she could hardly keep her seat.It drew from her,however,the exertion of speaking,whiothing else had so effectually done before;and she asked Bingley whether he meant to make any stay in the try at present.A few weeks,he believed.

    “When you have killed all your own birds, Mr. Bingley,”said her mother,“I beg you wille here,and shoot as many as you please on Mr.Be's manor.I am sure he will be vastly happy to oblige you,and will save all the best of the coveys for you.”

    Elizabeth's misery increased,at sunecessary,such officious attentiohe same fair prospect to arise at present as had ttered them a year ago,every thing,she ersuaded,would be hastening to the same vexatious clusion.At that instant, she felt that years of happiness could not make Jane or herself amends for moments of such painful fusion.

    “The first wish of my heart,”said she to herself,“is never more to be inpany with either of them.Their society  afford no pleasure that will atone for such wretess as this!Let me never see either one or the ain!”

    Yet the misery, for which years of happiness were to offer ion, received soon afterwards material relief, from  how much the beauty of her sister re-kihe admiration of her former lover.When first he came in, he had spoken to her but little; but every five minutes seemed to be giving her more of his attention. He found her as handsome as she had beenst year;as good natured,and as ued,though not quite so chatty.Jane was anxious that no difference should be perceived i all,and was really persuaded that she talked as much as ever.But her mind was so busily ehat she did not always know when she was silent.

    When the gentlemen rose to go away,Mrs.Be was mindful of her intended civility,and they were invited and eo di Longbourn in a few days time.

    “You are quite a visit in my debt,Mr.Bingley,”she added,“for when you went to townst winter,you promised to take a family dinner with us, as soon as you returned. I have not ot, you see;and I assure you,I was very much disappoihat you did note bad keep yagement.”

    Bingley looked a little silly at this refle,and said something of his  at having beeed by busihey the away.

    Mrs. Be had been strongly ined to ask them to stay and dihere that day;but,though she always kept a very good table,she did not think anythihan two courses could be good enough for a man on whom she had suxious designs,or satisfy the appetite and pride of one who had ten thousand a year.快眼看书小说阅读_www.bookcu.com

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