
推荐阅读: 宝鉴   扶明录   叶辰萧初然   重生之再铸青春   女神的上门豪婿(又名:女神的超级赘婿,主角:赵旭)   女神的上门豪婿   女神的上门贵婿   逆天丹帝   神魂丹帝   神魂丹帝   重生之搏浪大时代   仙府种田   这个领主大人非常科学   六指诡医   重生之我真是富三代   刚被悔婚超级天后带娃堵门   踏枝   叶君临  

    Mr.Wickham was so perfectly satisfied with this versation that he never again distressed himself,or provoked his dear sister Elizabeth,by introdug the subject of it;and she leased to find that she had said enough to keep him quiet.

    The day of his and Lydia's departure soon came,and Mrs.Be was forced to submit to a separation,which,as her husband by no meaered into her scheme of their all going to Newcastle,was likely to ti least a twelvemonth.

    “Oh!my dear Lydia,”she cried,“when shall we meet again?”

    “Oh,lord!I don't know.Not these two or three years,perhaps.”

    “Write to me very often,my dear.”

    “As often as I . But you know married women have never much time for writing.My sisters may write to me.They will have nothing else to do.”

    Mr.Wickham's adieus were much more affeate than his wife's.He smiled,looked handsome,and said many pretty things.

    “He is as fine a fellow,”said Mr.Be,as soon as they were out of the house,“as ever I saw. He simpers, and smirks, and makes love to us all.I am prodigiously proud of him.I defy even Sir William Lucas himself to produce a more valuable son-inw.”

    The loss of her daughter made Mrs.Be very dull for several days.

    “I often think,”said she,“that there is nothing so bad as parting with one's friends.One seems so forlorn without them.”

    “This is the sequence, you see, Madam, of marrying a daughter,”said Elizabeth.“It must make you better satisfied that your other four are single.”

    “It is no such thing. Lydia does not leave me because she is married,but only because her husband's regiment happens to be so far off. If that had been nearer, she would not have gone so soon.”

    But the spiritless dition which this event threw her into was shortly relieved, and her mind opened again to the agitation of hope,by an article of news which then began to be in cir. The housekeeper at herfield had received orders to prepare for the arrival of her master,who wasing down in a day or two,to shoot there for several weeks.Mrs.Be was quite in the fidgets.She looked at Jane,and smiled and shook her head by turns.

    “Well,well,and so Mr.Bingley ising down,sister,”(for Mrs. Phillips first brought her the news).“Well, so much the better. Not that I care about it,though.He is nothing to us,you know, and I am sure I never want to see him again. But, however, he is very wee toe to herfield,if he likes it.And who knows what may happen? But that is nothing to us.You know, sister,we agreed long ago o mention a word about it.And so,is it quite certain he ising?”

    “You may depend on it,”replied the other,“for Mrs.Nicholls was ionst night; I saw her passing by, a out myself on purpose to know the truth of it;and she told me that it was certain true.Hees down on Thursday at thetest,very likely on Wednesday.She was going to the butcher's,she told me, on purpose to order in some meat on Wednesday,and she has got three couple of ducks just fit to be killed.”

    Miss Be had not been able to hear of hising without ging colour.It was many months since she had mentioned his o Elizabeth;but now,as soon as they were aloogether, she said:

    “I saw you look at me to-day, Lizzy, when my aunt told us of the prese;and I knoeared distressed.But don't imagi was from any silly cause.I was only fused for the moment,because I felt that I should be looked at.I do assure you that the news does not affect me either with pleasure or pain.I am d of ohing,that hees alone;because we shall see the less of him.Not that I am afraid of myself,but I dread other people's remarks.”

    Elizabeth did not know what to make of it.Had she not seen him in Derbyshire, she might have supposed him capable ofing there with no other view than what was aowledged;but she still thought him partial to Jane, and she wavered as to the greater probability of hising there with his friend's permission,or being bold enough toe without it.

    “Yet it is hard,”she sometimes thought,“that this poor man ote to a house which he has legally hired,without raising all this spe!I will leave him to himself.”

    In spite of what her sister dered,and really believed to be her feelings in the expectation of his arrival, Elizabeth could easily perceive that her spirits were affected by it.They were more disturbed,more unequal,than she had oftehem.

    The subject which had been so warmly vassed between their parents, about a twelvemonth ago, was nht fain.

    “As soon as ever Mr.Bingleyes,my dear,”said Mrs.Be,“you will wait on him of course.”

    “No,no.You forced me into visiting himst year,and promised, if I went to see him,he should marry one of my daughters.But it ended in nothing,and I will not be sent on a fool's errand again.”

    His wife represeo him how absolutely necessary su attention would be from all the neighb gentlemen,on his returning to herfield.

    “'Tis aiquette I despise,”said he.“If he wants our society,let him seek it.He knows where we live.I will not spend my hours in running after my neighbours every time they go away ande back again.'”

    “Well,all I know is,that it will be abominably rude if you do not wait on him.But,however,that shan't prevent my asking him to dine here,I am determined.We must have Mrs.Long and the Gouldings soon.That will make thirteen with ourselves,so there will be just room at table for him.”

    soled by this resolution,she was the better able to bear her husband's incivility;though it was very mortifying to know that her neighbours might all see Mr. Bingley, in sequence of it, before they did.As the day of his arrival drew near:快眼看书小说阅读_www.bookcu.com

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