
推荐阅读: 宝鉴   扶明录   叶辰萧初然   重生之再铸青春   女神的上门豪婿(又名:女神的超级赘婿,主角:赵旭)   女神的上门豪婿   女神的上门贵婿   逆天丹帝   神魂丹帝   神魂丹帝   重生之搏浪大时代   仙府种田   这个领主大人非常科学   六指诡医   重生之我真是富三代   刚被悔婚超级天后带娃堵门   踏枝   叶君临  

    Their visitors were not to remain above ten days with them.Mr. Wickham had received hismission before he left London, and he was to join his regiment at the end of a fht.

    No o Mrs.Be regretted that their stay would be so short;and she made the most of the time by visiting about with her daughter, and having very frequent parties at home.These parties were eptable to all; to avoid a family circle was even more desirable to such as did think,than such as did not.

    Wickham's affe for Lydia was just what Elizabeth had expected to find it;not equal to Lydia's for him.She had scarcely needed her present observation to be satisfied,from the reason of things,that their elopement had been brought on by the strength of her love,rather than by his;and she would have wondered why, without violently g for her,he chose to elope with her at all, had she not felt certain that his flight was rendered necessary by distress of circumstances; and if that were the case, he was not the young man to resist an opportunity of having apanion.

    Lydia was exceedingly fond of him.He was her dear Wickham on every asion;no one was to be put iion with him. He did every thi in the world;and she was sure he would kill more birds on the first of September,than any body else in the try.

    One m, soon after their arrival, as she was sitting with her two elder sisters,she said to Elizabeth:

    “Lizzy, I never gave you an ount of my wedding, I believe. You were not by,when I told mamma and the others all about it. Are not you curious to hear how it was managed?”

    “No really,”replied Elizabeth;“I think there ot be too little said on the subject.”

    “La!You are se!But I must tell you how it went off.We were married, you know, at St. Clement's, because Wickham's lodgings were in that parish.And it was settled that we should all be there by eleven o'y uncle and aunt and I were to go together;and the others were to meet us at the church.

    Well,Monday m came,and I was in such a fuss!I was so afraid,you know,that something would happen to put it off,and then I should have gone quite distracted.And there was my aunt, all the time I was dressing,preag and talking away just as if she was reading a sermon.However,I did not hear above one word in ten,for I was thinking,you may suppose,of my dear Wickham.I loo know whether he would be married in his blue coat.”

    “Well,and so we breakfasted at ten as usual;I thought it would never be over; for, by the bye, you are to uand, that my uncle and aunt were horrid unpleasant all the time I was with them. If you'll believe me, I did not o my foot out of doors,though I was there a fht.Not one party,or scheme, or anything.To be sure London was rather thin,but,however,the Little Theatre en.

    Well, and so just as the carriage came to the door, my uncle was called aon busio that horrid man Mr.Stone.And then,you know,when ohey get together,there is no end of it.Well,I was shtened I did not know what to do,for my uncle was to give me away;and if we were beyond the hour,we could not be married all day.But,luckily,he came back again in ten minutes' time,and then we all set out.However,I recollected afterwards that if he had beeed going,the wedding need not be put off,for Mr.Darcy might have done as well.”

    “Mr.Darcy!”repeated Elizabeth,in utter amazement.

    “Oh,yes!—he was toe there with Wickham,you know.But grae!I quite ot!I ought not to have said a word about it.I promised them so faithfully!What will Wickham say?It was to be such a secret!”

    “If it was to be secret,”said Jane,“say not another word on the subjeay depend upon my seeking no further.”

    “Oh!certainly,”said Elizabeth,though burning with curiosity;“we will ask you no questions.”

    “Thank you,”said Lydia,“for if you did,I should certainly tell you all,and then Wickham would be angry.”

    On sucement to ask,Elizabeth was forced to put it out of her power,by running away.

    But to live in ignoran such a point was impossible;or at least it was impossible not to try for information.Mr.Darcy had been at her sister's wedding.It was exactly a se,aly among people, where he had apparently least to do, a temptation to go.jectures as to the meaning of it,rapid and wild, hurried into her brain; but she was satisfied with hose that best pleased her,as g his du the  light,seemed most improbable.She could not bear such suspense;and hastily seizing a sheet of paper, wrote a short letter to her aunt,to request aion of what Lydia had dropped,if it werepatible with the secrecy which had been intended.

    “You may readilyprehend,”she added,“what my curiosity must be to know hoerson unected with any of us,and paratively speaking) a strao our family, should have been amongst you at such a time.Pray write instantly,a me uand it—unless it is, for very t reasons, to remain in the secrecy which Lydia seems to think necessary;and then I must endeavour to be satisfied with ignorance.”

    “Not that I shall,though,”she added to herself,as she fihe letter;“and my dear aunt,if you do not tell me in an honourable manner,I shall certainly be reduced to tricks and stratagems to find it out.”

    Jane's delicate sense of honour would not allow her to speak to Elizabeth privately of what Lydia had let fall;Elizabeth was d of it;—till it appeared whether her inquiries would receive any satisfa,she had rather be without a fidante.快眼看书小说阅读_www.bookcu.com

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