
推荐阅读: 宝鉴   扶明录   叶辰萧初然   重生之再铸青春   女神的上门豪婿(又名:女神的超级赘婿,主角:赵旭)   女神的上门豪婿   女神的上门贵婿   逆天丹帝   神魂丹帝   神魂丹帝   重生之搏浪大时代   仙府种田   这个领主大人非常科学   六指诡医   重生之我真是富三代   刚被悔婚超级天后带娃堵门   踏枝   叶君临  

    Elizabeth had settled it that Mr.Darcy would bring his sister to visit her the very day after her reag Pemberley; and was sequently resolved not to be out of sight of the inn the whole of that m. But her clusion was false; for on the very m after their own arrival at Lambton, these visitors came.They had been walking about the ce with some of their new friends, and were just returning to the inn to dress themselves for dining with the same family,when the sound of a carriage drew them to a window, and they saw a gentleman and ady in a curricle driving up the street.Elizabeth immediately reizing the livery, guessed what it meant, and imparted no small degree of her surprise to her rtions by acquainting them with the honour which she expected. Her uncle and aunt were all amazement; and the embarrassment of her manner as she spoke, joio the circumstaself, and many of the circumstances of the preg day,opeo them a new idea on the business.Nothing had ever suggested it before, but they now felt that there was no other way of ounting for such attentions from such a quarter than by supposing a partiality for their niece.While these newly-born notions were passing in their heads, the perturbation of Elizabeth's feelings was at every moment increasing. She was quite amazed at her own diposure;but amongst other causes of disquiet,she dreaded lest the partiality of the brother should have said too mu her favour;and,more thanmonly anxious to please,she naturally suspected that every power of pleasing would fail her.

    She retreated from the window,fearful of being seen;and as she walked up and down the room,endeav topose herself, saw such looks of inquiring surprise in her uncle and aunt as made everything worse.

    Miss Dard her brother appeared, and this formidable introdu took ce.With astonishment did Elizabeth see that her new acquaintance was at least as much embarrassed as herself. Since her being at Lambton, she had heard that Miss Darcy was exceedingly proud; but the observation of a very few minutes vinced her that she was only exceedingly shy. She found it difficult to obtain even a word from her beyond a monosyble.

    Miss Darcy was tall,and er scale than Elizabeth;and, though little more than sixteen,her figure was formed,and her appearananly and graceful. She was less handsome than her brother; but there was sense and good humour in her face, and her manners were perfectly unassuming ale.Elizabeth, who had expected to find in her as acute and unembarrassed an observer as ever Mr. Darcy had been, was much relieved by dising such different feelings.

    They had not been long together before Mr.Darcy told her that Bingley was alsoing to wait on her;and she had barely time to express her satisfa,and prepare for such a visitor,when Bingley's quick step was heard oairs,and in a momeered the room.All Elizabeth's anger against him had been long done away;but had she still felt any,it could hardly have stood its ground against the ued cordiality with which he expressed himself on seeing her again. He inquired in a friendly, though general way,after her family,and looked and spoke with the same good-humoured ease that he had ever done.

    To Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner he was scarcely a less iing persohan to herself.They had long wished to see him.The whole party before them,indeed,excited a lively attention.The suspis which had just arisen of Mr. Dard their niece directed their observation towards each with an earhough guarded inquiry;and they soon drew from those inquiries the full vi that one of them at least knew what it was to love.Of thedy's sensations they remained a little in doubt;but that the gentleman was overflowing with admiration was evident enough.

    Elizabeth, on her side, had much to do.She wao ascertain the feelings of each of her visitors; she waopose her own,and to make herself agreeable to all;and ier object, where she feared most to fail, she was most sure of sess,for those to whom she endeavoured to give pleasure were prepossessed in her favour. Bingley was ready,Giana was eager, and Darcy determio be pleased.

    In seeing Bingley,her thoughts naturally flew to her sister;and, oh!how ardently did she long to know whether any of his were directed in a like manner. Sometimes she could fancy that he talked less than on former asions,and once or twice pleased herself with the notion that, as he looked at her, he was trying to trace a resem,though this might be imaginary,she could not be deceived as to his behaviour to Miss Darcy,who had bee up as a rival to Jane. No look appeared oher side that spoke particr regard. Nothing urred betweehat could justify the hopes of his sister. On this point she was soon satisfied; and two or three little circumstances urred ere they parted,whi her anxious interpretatioed a recolle of Ja untinctured by tenderness,and a wish of saying more that might lead to the mention of her,had he dared. He observed to her,at a moment whehers were talking together,and in a tone which had something of real regret,that it“was a very long time since he had had the pleasure of seeing her;”and,before she could reply,he added,“It is above eight months. We have not met sihe 26th of November,when we were all dang together at herfield.”

    Elizabeth leased to find his memory so exact; aerwards took asion to ask her,when unatteo by any of the rest,whether all her sisters were at Longbourn.There was not mu the question,nor in the preg remark;but there was a look and a manner which gave them meaning.快眼看书小说阅读_www.bookcu.com

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