
推荐阅读: 宝鉴   扶明录   叶辰萧初然   重生之再铸青春   女神的上门豪婿(又名:女神的超级赘婿,主角:赵旭)   女神的上门豪婿   女神的上门贵婿   逆天丹帝   神魂丹帝   神魂丹帝   重生之搏浪大时代   仙府种田   这个领主大人非常科学   六指诡医   重生之我真是富三代   刚被悔婚超级天后带娃堵门   踏枝   叶君临  

    She had instinctively turned away;but stopping on his approach, received hispliments with an embarrassment impossible to be ovee. Had his first appearance, or his resemo the picture they had just been examining, been insuffit to assure the other two that they now saw Mr.Darcy,the gardener's expression of surprise,on beholding his master,must immediately have told it.They stood a little aloof while he was talking to their niece,who,astonished and fused,scarcely dared lift her eyes to his face, and knew not what answer she returo his civil inquiries after her family.Amazed at the alteration of his manner siheyst parted,every sentehat he uttered was increasing her embarrassment;and every idea of the impropriety of her being found there recurring to her mind,the few minutes in which they tinued were some of the most ufortable in her life.Nor did he seem much more at ease;when he spoke, his ent had none of its usual sedateness;and he repeated his inquiries as to the time of her havi Longbourn,and of her staying in Derbyshire,so often,and in so hurried a way,as inly spoke the distra of his thoughts.

    At length every idea seemed to fail him; and, after standing a few moments without saying a word, he suddenly recollected himself,and took leave.

    The others then joined her, and expressed admiration of his figure;but Elizabeth heard not a word,and wholly engrossed by her own feelings,followed them in silence.She was overpowered by shame aion. Hering there was the most unfortuhe most ill-judged thing in the world!How stra must appear to him! In what a disgraceful light might it not strike so vain a man!It might seem as if she had purposely thrown herself in his way again! Oh! why did hee? Or, why did he thuse a day before he was expected?Had they been only ten minutes soohey should have been beyond the reach of his discrimination;for it was in that he was that moment arrived—that moment alighted from his horse or his carriage.She blushed again and agaihe perverseness of the meeting.And his behaviour, so strikingly altered—what could it mean?That he should eveo her was amazing!—but to speak with such civility,to inquire after her family!Never in her life had she seen his manners so little dignified,never had he spoken with such gentleness as on this ued meeting.What a trast did it offer to hisst address in Rosings Park,whe his letter into her hand! She knew not what to think,or how to ount for it.

    They had ered a beautiful walk by the side of the water, and every step was bringing forward a nobler fall of ground, or a finer reach of the woods to which they were approag;but it was some time before Elizabeth was sensible of any of it;and, though she answered meically to the repeated appeals of her uncle and aunt, and seemed to direct her eyes to such objects as they pointed out,she distinguished no part of the se.Her thoughts were all fixed on that one spot of Pemberley House, whichever it might be, where Mr. Darcy then was. She loo know what at the moment assing in his mind—in what manner he thought of her,and whether,in defiance of everything, she was still dear to him.Perhaps he had been civil only because he felt himself at ease;yet there had been that in his voice which was not like ease.Whether he had felt more of pain or of pleasure in seeing her,she could not tell,but he certainly had not seen her withposure.

    At length, however, the remarks of herpanions on her absenind aroused her, and she felt the y of appearing more like herself.快眼看书小说阅读_www.bookcu.com

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