
推荐阅读: 宝鉴   扶明录   叶辰萧初然   重生之再铸青春   女神的上门豪婿(又名:女神的超级赘婿,主角:赵旭)   女神的上门豪婿   女神的上门贵婿   逆天丹帝   神魂丹帝   神魂丹帝   重生之搏浪大时代   仙府种田   这个领主大人非常科学   六指诡医   重生之我真是富三代   刚被悔婚超级天后带娃堵门   踏枝   叶君临  

    On the veryst day of the regiment's remaining at Meryton, he dined,with other of the officers,at Longbourn;and so little was Elizabeth disposed to part from him in good humour,that on his making some inquiry as to the manner in which her time had passed at Hunsford,she mentioned el Fitzwilliam's and Mr. Darcy's having both spent three weeks at Rosings,and asked him, if he was acquainted with the former.

    He looked surprised,displeased,rmed;but with a moment's recolle and a returning smile,replied,that he had formerly seen him often;and,after  that he was a very gentlemanlike man,asked her how she had liked him.Her ansarmly in his favour.With an air of indifference,he soon afterwards added:

    “How long did you say he was at Rosings?”

    “Nearly three weeks.”

    “And you saw him frequently?”

    “Yes,almost every day.”

    “His manners are very different from his cousin's.”

    “Yes, very different. But I think Mr. Darcy improves upon acquaintance.”

    “Indeed!”cried Mr.Wickham with a look which did not escape her.“And pray,may I ask?—”But cheg himself,he added,in a gayer tone,“Is it in address that he improves?Has he deigo add aught of civility to his ordinary style?—for I dare not hope,”he tinued in a lower and more serious tohat he is improved in essentials.”

    “Oh, no!”said Elizabeth.“In essentials, I believe, he is very much what he ever was.”

    While she spoke, Wickham looked as if scarcely knowing whether to rejoice over her words,or to distrust their meaning. There was a something in her tenance which made him listen with an apprehensive and anxious attention,while she added:

    “When I said that he improved on acquaintance,I did not mean that his mind or his manners were in a state of improvement, but that, from knowing him better, his disposition was better uood.”

    Wickham's rm noeared in a heightenedplexion and agitated look;for a few minutes he was silent,till,shaking off his embarrassmeurain,and said in the ge of ents:

    “You, who so well know my feeling towards Mr. Darcy, will readilyprehend how sincerely I must rejoice that he is wise enough to assume even the appearance of what is right.His pride, in that direay be of service, if not to himself, to many others,for it must only deter him from suisduct as I have suffered by.I only fear that the sort of cautiouso which you,I imagine,have been alluding,is merely adopted on his visits to his aunt, of whose good opinion and judgemeands mu awe.His fear of her has always operated,I know,when they were together;and a good deal is to be imputed to his wish of f the match with Miss de Bh,which I am certain he has very much at heart.”

    Elizabeth could not repress a smile at this, but she answered only by a slight ination of the head.She saw that he wao engage her on the old subject of his grievances,and she was in no humour to indulge him.The rest of the evening passed with the appearance, on his side, of usual cheerfulness, but with no further attempt to distinguish Elizabeth;and they parted atst with mutual civility,and possibly a mutual desire of never meeting again.

    When the party broke up, Lydia returned with Mrs. Forster to Meryton, from whehey were to set out early the  m.The separatioween her and her family was rather noisy than pathetic.Kitty was the only one who shed tears;but she did weep from vexation and envy.Mrs.Be was diffuse in her good wishes for the felicity of her daughter,and impressive in her injuns that she should not miss the opportunity of enjoying herself as much as possible—advice which there was every reason to believe would be atteo; and in the morous happiness of Lydia herself in bidding farewell, the mentle adieus of her sisters were uttered without being heard.快眼看书小说阅读_www.bookcu.com

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