
推荐阅读: 宝鉴   扶明录   叶辰萧初然   重生之再铸青春   女神的上门豪婿(又名:女神的超级赘婿,主角:赵旭)   女神的上门豪婿   女神的上门贵婿   逆天丹帝   神魂丹帝   神魂丹帝   重生之搏浪大时代   仙府种田   这个领主大人非常科学   六指诡医   重生之我真是富三代   刚被悔婚超级天后带娃堵门   踏枝   叶君临  

    “How nicely we are all crammed in,”cried Lydia.“I am d I bought my bo, if it is only for the fun of having another bandbox!Well, now let us be quitefortable and snug, and talk andugh all the way home.And in the first ce,let us hear what has happeo you all since you went away.Have you seen any pleasant men?Have you had any flirting?I was i hopes that one of you would have got a husband before you came back. Jane will be quite an old maid soon,I dere.She is almost three-and-twenty!Lord,how ashamed I should be of not being married before three-and-twenty! My aunt Phillips wants you so to get husbands,you 't think.She says Lizzy had better have taken Mr.Collins;but I do not think there would have been any fun in it.Lord!how I should like to be married before any of you;and then I would chaperon you about to all the balls.Dear me!we had such a good piece of fuher day at el Forster's.Kitty and me were to spend the day there,and Mrs.Forster promised to have a little dan the evening; (by the bye, Mrs. Forster and me are such friends!)and so she asked the twtons toe, but Harriet was ill, and so Pen was forced toe by herself; and then, what do you think we did?We dressed up Chambeyne in woman's clothes on purpose to pass for ady, only think what fun!Not a soul knew of it,but el and Mrs. Forster,and Kitty and me,except my aunt,for we were forced to borrow one of her gowns; and you agine how well he looked!When Denny,and Wickham,and Pratt,and two or three more of the men came in, they did not know him in the least. Lord!how Iughed!and so did Mrs.Forster.I thought I should have died.And that made the men suspeething,and then they soon found out what was the matter.”

    With such kinds of histories of their parties and good jokes,did Lydia,assisted by Kitty's hints and additions,endeavour to amuse herpanions all the way to Longbourn. Elizabeth listened as little as she could, but there was no esg the frequeion of Wickham's name.

    Their reception at home was most kind.Mrs.Be rejoiced to see Jane in undiminished beauty;and more than once during dinner did Mr.Be say voluntarily to Elizabeth:

    “I am d you aree back,Lizzy.”

    Their party in the dining-room wasrge, for almost all the Lucases came to meet Maria ahe news; and various were the subjects that upied them:Lady Lucas was inquiring of Maria, across the table, after the welfare and poultry of her eldest daughter;Mrs.Be was doubly engaged,on one hand colleg an ount of the present fashions from Jane,who sat some way below her,and,oher,retailing them all to the younger Miss Lucases; and Lydia, in a voice rather louder than any other person's,was eing the various pleasures of the m to anybody who would hear her.

    “Oh!Mary,”said she,“I wish you had goh us,for we had such fun!As we went along,Kitty and I drew up the blinds,and pretehere was nobody in the coad I should have gone so all the way,if Kitty had not been sid whe to the Ge,I do think we behaved very handsomely,for we treated the other three with the  cold lun in the world,and if you would have gone,we would have treated you too.And then when we came away it was such fun!I thought we never should have got into the coach.I was ready to die ofughter.And then we were so merry all the way home! we talked andughed so loud,that anybody might have heard us ten miles off!”

    To this Mary very gravely replied,“Far be it from me,my dear sister, to depreciate such pleasures!They would doubtless be genial with the generality of female minds.But I fess they would have no charms for me—I should infinitely prefer a book.”

    But of this answer Lydia heard not a word.She seldom listeo anybody for more than half a minute, and teo Mary at all.

    Iernoon Lydia was urgent with the rest of the girls to walk to Meryton, and to see how everybody went on; but Elizabeth steadily opposed the scheme.It should not be said that the Miss Bes could not be at home half a day before they were in pursuit of the officers.There was another reason too for her opposition.She dreaded seeing Mr.Wickham again,and was resolved to avoid it as long as possible.Thefort to her of the regiment's approag removal was indeed beyond expression. In a fht they were to go—and once gone,she hoped there could be nothing more to gue her on his ount.

    She had not been many hours at home before she found that the Brighton scheme,of which Lydia had given them a hint at the inn,was under frequent discussioween her parents.Elizabeth saw directly that her father had not the smallest iion of yielding; but his answers were at the same time so vague and equivocal,that her mother,though often disheartened,had never yet despaired of seeding atst.快眼看书小说阅读_www.bookcu.com

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